Thursday, July 12, 2012


Waktu aku menghabiskan sisa sisa masa semalam aku tergerak hati membuka belog tulisan gadis yang (gila babi) aku suka baca.As expected.Dia review zine yang aku join sekali untuk menulis.And as expected again aku tahu dia akan frust gila babi dengan zine tu.To be frank,aku pun rasa macamtu bila kepingan zine tu sampai dekat tangan aku sendiri.Tapi aku malas bersuara sebab aku taknak depa depa yang lain tu akan straight benci aku and akan rasa down dan terus tak mahu menulis.

Benda sampai dekat buah dada,perut,puki, tapi tak sampai kepala.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Arjuna Lama.

Arjuna Lama,Kawan Baikku--

dua belas bulan dahulu,
takkanku biarkan walau ribut menyentakmu yang tidur
datang petir menyambar--
takkan ku biarkan tanganmu terluka dikacau
jengking dan ular--
Walau jasadku luka hatiku kecewa--
Kau tetap teman hatiku,arjuna lama.

nyamanlah arjuna beta
mimpikan yang indah saja
nanti bila kau buka mata
semua tak serupa--

kan dulu ada satu ketika kau sakitseorang di tepijalan itu--
kan dulu aku hilangkan luka luka di jari jemarimu itu
jalan betul, arjuna lama,
tak nampak di mata kasar--
tapi sayang nya arjuna lama,
kita dicemburui masa yang ada-
sarat durinya.

hiduplah arjuna beta
biarkan jasad yang luka
selama tuhanmu ada
takkan engkau tercela.

ngeri rasa hati,
tiupan angin pantai dahulu masih bertiup untuk kita.
senyumlah arjuna lama,
kerana ada yang terluka kerana kamu,masih mampu tersenyum ingatkan mu arjuna beta.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Kisah dua malam.

Anna masih disitu.Berteleku.Semua yang dia dapat harini semuanya bullshit.High and Dry lontaran Thom Yorke sesekali dikuatkan.

"Why the fuck all this must happened to me?" Sesekali hatinya menjerit.Dia masih di dalam bilik.Merenung apa semua ini memang untuk dia yang berumur 22 tahun.Sesekali dia menyedut Dunhill nya yang masih berbaki.Segala pesanan ringkas dan incoming calls dia biarkan tanpa dijawab.Dia bosan dengan semua benda yang tidak pasti.Air matanya tidak pernah berhenti jatuh dari pipi.

"Kenapa kau nak pergi sana malam ni Anna,kau tahu aku tak suka!" pesanan ringkas dari Kid yang berbaur amarah.

"Kau tahu kenapa! This is all because of you!" Anna membalas dengan tangannya yang masih menggeletar.Dia tahu dia takkan boleh apa yang dah jadi.

"Aku datang jumpa kau esok Anna,kau pergi tempat tu malam ni,dont ever think you can meet me again,ingat ni!"

Anna diam.Dia malas bertelagah dengan Kid yang tak faham bahasa.Dia paksa matanya untuk pejam.Hujan yang turun bagai mengerti kesedihan yang dia simpan selama ini.


"Kau tahu aku sayang kau Anna,kenapa kau nak pergi tempat macamtu,kau tahu aku benci tempat tu,kau tahu hidup aku terumbang ambing,kau tahu apa yang kau dapat kalau kau pergi sana"

Kid merangkul Anna dalam dakapannya.Dia sayang Anna.Sayang sampai entah berapa kali air matanya dibazirkan untuk cinta hatinya.I will always love you Anna.Ingat ni.

"Aku kecewa dengan sikap kau.You treated me like a rubbish.Malam tu kau datang jumpa aku,kau diam,kau buat aku macam tak ada depan kau" Anna melepaskan semua yang dia rasa selama ni.

"Aku segan Anna,aku cuba nak dapatkan duit untuk belanja kau,setiap kali kita hang out kau yang belanja aku,aku buat macam macam selama ni sebab aku segan.Aku taknak jumpa kau selagi aku tak ada duit,Aku bukan sengaja nak ignore kau selama ni"

Anna diam.Dia tak sangka yang selama ni Kid sebaik ini.

"Sekarang kau nak pergi tempat tu lagi tak?" Kid bertanya sambil tersengih.

"Taknak la! Kau ingat aku biasa ke pergi situ? GILA!"

Mereka ketawa berdua.Ditemani sinaran mentari yang terbenam petang itu.

"Mari,malam ni kita lupakan segala problem okay?"

"Kau nak bawa aku kemana?"

"Kita lepak atas sana,we smoke weed together okay?Aku nak kau senyum"

"You still bitch as always kan sayang?Kau ingat cool benda ni?"

"HAHA aku nak kau gelak macam haritu Anna,you look stupid yet so cute and funny,kau tahu tak bila kau high kau mcm org paling kelakar depan aku,HAHA"

"Shut up! But with one condition"

"What condition?"

"HEHEHE" Anna senyum sengih paling dalam.

"Ah nak suruh aku dukung la tu,mengadanya kau ni"
"ALAA.." Anna masam mencuka.

"Yelah come sayang,we gonna get high today"

Mereka berjalan ke atas sana.But before they reach there,Anna tanya kepada Kid

"Kid will u still remember all the things about me even if we're not meant to be together?"

"Mestilah sayang.Ketiak kau pun aku suka cium"

"HAHAHAH STUPID AS ALWAYS,you never fail to make me laugh"

rest in peace.

Friday, May 11, 2012


When you both two feels the same thing but you guys knew it wont work well.It wont happened unless the other die.It wont work.It kills other hearts.

Tell me about it.Its all about cruelty,mean,heartless,--the ugly truth.

Dan apa yang kau boleh buat,hanya lihat dan terus berjalan.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Who needs KJ when i got Chaa to make me smile everyday ;)

Trust me,shes my funniest gf i have ever had.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Tale of Lancau and Chill.

For the past week ago,my life was been so dramatic with the stupid mafakas,attention whore who in need of raping,egoistic people with fucking dumbass brain.But still,i can put a wide smile on my face cause my lovely family still with me,with the most helpful and understanding friends with me.I felt so bless cause i have them around,my abah and emak is far away from me,and i wont tell any of stupid story to my sisters that happened to me while i'm in this ghost town which is my college.They got other important matters to think rather than listening to my fucking weird stupid problem that actually had nothing to do with me.

This stupid fucking story started when my home which is ive been living with three stupid egoistic mafakas which is my junior,were running out of electric.We were on public holiday and theres no point to collecting money from all the penghuni in the house just to light up the house cause admin was close due to the public holiday.Thus,i decided to went out with my friends,had some window shopping and have some good foods at Serdang.While i was driving home those stupid mafakas texted me and claimed me why i didnt handing out the money to them.Dude,i'm assure that you're aware that we're on public holiday.Theres no one can help you and just for one fucking day,go get any shelter from your fucking friends.Cant you think using your fucking brain?Cant you?This stupid malay girl were actually been so rude to me for the past months but i dont want to give a fuck to them.Dude,can u imagine,we're in the same roof but this stupid malay girl,still wasting her fucking credit to text me and tell me what she need to tell.Like a plain stupid.Thats why i thought,,Theres no point to bashing up small matters.So our home were running out electric for two days,thank God for creating a human like Mimie and Naziha that could considering me and help me by getting me a room to sleep by.Thank you so much guys,we barely talk to each other but you guys are with me when i had a shitty day.

So i back to my home after two days,i found that my balcony's door been damaged by someone which i didnt know who.I assumed those two stupid Malays done this stupid thing,but still i dont give a shit.I went thru my days like i usually do,until i got this stupid weirdly pyscho tweet from this stupid attention whore that claimed me as a rude girl and i was the one who kurung my stupid housemate at the balcony and laughed at her when shes screaming for help.WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS? I wasnt at my home for two days,and ive been claimed for something that i didnt do.She tell the whole world about how cruel i was.Yes,bitch,thats it,.I had my limit but i tried to calm down.All stupid tweets that she tweeted,i kept safely in my desktop.I knew that i was guilty and all my friends knew that.There were too many unexplained things in my mind.Why the fuck she went back to our house while she knew that the house is running out electric?Why did she see me at a place that didnt existed?At the end of the day,she told me everything,she didnt see me,she just thought that i was there in my room.She safe now but still,i think her action was plainly stupid.And to the dumbass attention whore,GO GET FUCKING LIFE and FUCKING GROW UP my ex stupid housemate.

I decided to move out since the house seems so scary to live in.I go get my keys.I went to my room and packing up all things.Things were so hard for me.With the test and all quizzes and presentation that need i to face up,with all these stupid cases,with the stupid hypocrite ex boyfriend,with all thoughts for the future,with the fever that strikes me in these few days,i packing up all my things one by one,and i smoked for a while in the balcony and seeing thru out and see all those awan and langit,i feel so relieved.With all the shits that happened to me,i still got my supporting family and understanding friends.Yes,it have been three days so far,ive been living with Bunny that consider my situations,she picked up all my stuffs,sent me to my college,waiting for me till i got my class off.I feel like crying when i see how kind my friends are.I barely talk and lepak with Buny before this and i couldnt believe now i'm sleeping on her bed right now.People that barely with me are the one who helped me so much.And to my bro Fizzy,thank you everything,you are there with when i had my ups and downs.Million to you guys who care with me so much when i'm sick and to those who considering my situation and understand me so well..Thank you.Hugs and Kisses.

So,trust me,the stupid and shitty things that happened to you,happened for a reason.And the reason is to make you being fucking stronger person than anyone else.

to those whos been bitching out about me,suck it up fuckers! I'm still alive and you have no idea how stronger i am now.

So,i am rewarded myself after facing all these stupid things,to the JB me off tomorrow! Wohoo. I cant wait to have a fucking great weekend.

Oh did i told you that i dont give a damn if you think that my english is bad.IDGAF at all.Tenkiusomuch.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Maaf,drama kau terlalu cliche untuk aku.
Maaf,kata kata maaf kau terlalu overrated untuk aku.
Maaf,segala kata kata penyesalan yang keluar dari minda sempit kau terlalu sampah untuk aku.
Maaf,masa untuk berpaling dan tersenyum kembali kepada hamba tuhan seperti kau terlalu berat untuk aku.
simpan saja semua kata kata drama yang kau sudah plot sendiri untuk membutakan satu dunia termasuk aku.

Maaf,aku sudah senyum dan ketawa bukan lagi kerana kau.
Tapi kerana mereka mereka dan Tuhan yang satu :)

--- "Maaf,aku tak mahu kau lagi" 

*senyum nipis
Aku lebih berharap aku tidak pernah kenal kamu.
Dan aku mahu kau tahu itu.
Maaf mungkin ada untuk kamu,bila kau sudah berumah berpacakkan dua batu.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Menemui perempuan perempuan cantik di luar sana,

Being in relationship more than a year,the guy started to get bored,the girl started to worry and trying hardly to keep the relationship going.With tears and fake smile.While the guys simply letting it go and forget everything.While the girl totally in pain and keep asking--

why,why,and why.

Its like a law.
--Guys cepat boring,while Woman is the most loyal person in the relationship and always wanted to keep the relationship going.

For all pretty woman,heartbroken.

Cliche situation but it happened mostly to people that ive known.Its like been listening to your past problems--mirror.So,if you think you're the most frustrated person in this entire world right now,you're wrong.What happened to you,does happened to anyone else,might the one you've known,might the one being just a stranger.

For all pretty woman out there,if he decided to not being with you,to not stay together like you wish to,just get yourself off from his life.

Jangan cari.
A big DONT.

Awak cantik,you have bright future,you have family and friends.
Dia hilang awak---dia rugi.BUKAN awak.

Save your pretty self,for a guy who will call you as his wife,not a girlfriend. :)

Saturday, March 17, 2012


I never ever expected that i would meet someone that could accept everything bad and good about me.And listen to every fucking down stories about me without judging.And what he said it was just "Be yourself,do what you want,i dont care if you smoke,i dont care if you go lepak with your friends,world is about freedom".And i was suprised cause it was kinda hard to find someone that is opposite sex with me that could accept everything without judging without nagging me to stop.Cause he knew,there will be a time that will come and everything gonna back norm.

"So you bila nak stop?Buang duit la kesihatan lagi" He said calmly.

"Ahahaha i dah agak dah,expected sentence,nanti lah,ada masanya nanti"

"Okay,dont stress out,jangan la pikir pasal kahwin,kahwin awal boring"


Two aquarians meet and only them knew what is life is all about.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


3 kotak rokok pun belum dapat cool kan mood kau yang tak tentu hala.Memori macam sial dia datang lepas tu dia gigit kau macam kau tak ada perasaan.They eat you alive.Truth bites.Kau lari terjun bangunan lepas tu mati katak barulah segala galanya boleh kau lupakan.Tapi itu bodoh! Gelak gelak tapi dalam hati terasa sial dan cilaka macam lebih cilaka dari kena rogol.Manusia sekarang mostly berhati kan babi.Bukan hati manusia.